Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Harder, Better, Stronger, Faster

This Past week has been Amazing! I got in to the clinic for my 9am, Appt after a 6hr wait. And the Verdict....Im a wolverine..
Well maybe not, but the doctors are saying that I am healing faster than they could ever have expected! They also introduced me As "The Guy Who Shouldn't Be Alive" It was a compliment...I think. I can start in on some light exercise..No weights yet, but I can skate and bike which is great.

Last Tuesday was an amazing day! The Boys from Finger 11 were in town for a show at the House of Blues. Rick put some All Access Passes away and Andy, Roberto and I headed down. The Boyz killed the show, It was one of, if not the, best I had ever seen..Not only was it an amazing show, It was so great to see Rick and James and the rest of the crew and just catch up with some peeps from home. After the House of Blues started Fire (Actually Happened) we left and went to the Rainbow Room where we all acted like little girls around Till Lindermann and finally asked for his picture.

We were lucky enough to have Emmy Award winning Documentarian Michael Davie ( in the office shooting a spot on Adam and the office for Movember....I was back with a straight blade in hand like I hadn't skipped a beat...Taught by Youtube and only 2 people cut so far...Still sorry about that Yimmy.

We took Cory's son Liam to Hollywood Park Race Track on Friday for dollar beer and dollar hotdog night and the Gin Blossoms show. Liam had a blast, but is possibly the worst horse picker i have ever met!

I am going to wait till he is old enough to Mow Lawns then take back the $5.00 bucks he owes me for his ridiculous bets. On a positive note, we didn't have to stay for the Gin Blossoms Show..

Now for the Grody Shots..This is the Neck today....It's healing so well!

I still have Mrs.Goh my nurse coming in 3 Days a week, hopefully it will all end soon and i can go back to a normal schedule.

Mr.G wanted to say a quick hello with his new ball from the PETCOUnleashed after a lovely dog washing.

Lots more updates to come this week but i will split it up...I did have a Will.I.Am video shot at the house the other day..More on this later this week.


"Scar Tissue is Stronger Than Regular Tissue, Realize the Strength, Move On." - Henry Rollins


  1. So glad to see you healing you rapidly bubs....what a scare! Big Hugs...get better soon..Ash

  2. WOW, Fucking Amazing bro. You Are a Badger!!! You look great. Remember when I showed up from Calgary to C ya and the Finger 11 boys were playing in the B? That was an amazing treat!! Getting to C my best friend and one of the coolest bands play LIVE for friends and family. I enjoyed our conversation today. I love your blog. Stay strong Ben. Much Love!

